Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily

Project AMUNEET: Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily will allow 24 young Sicilian NEETs (3 groups of 8 participants) to participate in a social empowerment experience of about 12 months within the ALMA programme, including 3 months of preparation phase with individual coaching and counselling sessions, a work-related mobility experience in Portugal, Spain or Greece (6 months), a follow-up phase (about 3 months). Participants will receive consistent and relevant support before, during and after their stay abroad.
Project AMUNEET: Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily is coordinated by CESIE ETS (a third-sector organisation based in Palermo with over 20 years of experience in education and training activities in local, national and international settings).

Strengthen transnational cooperation partnerships among local and regional stakeholders working with NEETs, including public and private employment services, universities, youth organisations, to intensify outreach and collaboration, fostering an inclusive approach in integrating Sicilian NEETs.

Support vulnerable NEET (women, NEETs with a migrant background, long-term unemployed) aged 18-29 in Sicily, by providing counselling and supervised work-related learning experiences in Spain, Greece and Portugal.

Improve the skills, knowledge, and experience of NEETs to boost their self-confidence and support them to enter into the labour market.

Selection of 24 NEETs and prepare them for the internship activities abroad by specific trainings, language classes, intercultural activities ensuring their enthusiasm for successful mobility experiences in foreign countries.

Involve 24 NEETs in six months work-related learning experience internship in Spain, Portugal and Greece (8 per country) for a comprehensive learning processes with regular follow-ups on participants’ progress, impacts, and development of skills.

Organise final public events in each partner countries (Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal), in order to present the impacts of the project and raise public awareness on project results.

Organise three months of follow-up activities for those NEETs, combining individual coaching and career guidance with further reflection and their integration in the home country, aiming to assess participants’ learning progress and their potential to integrate into education, vocational training and employment.

(one per country), inspiring youth and organisations to engage in ALMA-type initiatives.

with the main results and lessons learned from the project.

a dynamic publication designed for a younger audience presenting the benefits of engaging in
ALMA-type projects.

(one per country), inspiring youth and organisations to engage in ALMA-type initiatives.

with the main results and lessons learned from the project.

a dynamic publication designed for a younger audience presenting the benefits of engaging in ALMA-type projects.