
Upcoming resources


Creation of four VIDEOS (one per country), inspiring youth and organisations to engage in ALMA-type initiatives. The videos will include the mobility experiences, lessons learned and recommendations from various project phases. 

Expected by April 2025

Available in EN – IT – PT – EL – CAT – SP


A FINAL REPORT with the main results and lessons learned from the project, as well as the next steps for the possible extension of ALMA programme. 

Expected by April 2025

Available in EN – IT – PT – EL – CAT – SP


Creation of AMUNEET MAGAZINE, a dynamic publication designed for a younger audience presenting the benefits of engaging in ALMA-type projects. The online magazine will feature a compilation of testimonials, including short stories from NEETs immersed in the project and their enriching experiences and growth opportunities it brings.

Expected: soon!

Available in EN – IT – PT – EL – CAT – SP


AmuNEET: the path of growth and discovery continues!

What does it really mean to give young people who are neither studying nor working a new opportunity? Is it possible to turn a period of stagnation into a springboard to a brighter future? AmuNEET was born from these very questions, with the intention...

AmuNEET: an opportunity to grow and get out of NEET status

AmuNEET supports NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) youth in Sicily by facilitating their transition to employment through a work-based learning experience in another EU country to integrate them into society and the labor market. It started at the end of...


1° Newsletter

Available in ENIT

2° Newsletter